4 pieces of stationery you need for university


With summer finally here it’s time to relax. But for you students out there it’s time to think about the future, and for some, this means university. It is a big change transferring from Sixth form to university and therefore it’s important to get prepared early. Choosing the correct stationery for your lectures is one of your key responsibilities. Unfortunately, in comparison to your school teachers lending you stationery when you forgot to bring your stuff to class, university lecturers may not be so forgiving!

So that you are on top form before you begin, here are the top four pieces of stationery you need for university.


Pens are obviously the most important piece of stationery you will need to take with you to lectures. Due to lectures being approximately 1-2 hours long, it would be useful to take more than one pen, just in case it runs out. You will be expected to write pages and pages of notes during each lecture, so don’t take any risks. Ensure you have enough ink to last the entire session!


During your lectures or seminars, you may be given reading material to study and come up with notes about the piece. Highlighters would definitely come in use to mark the main and most important points and make revision sessions straightforward, simple and reduce stress levels during those critical exam periods!


When you are given reading material or printing essay’s which contain numerous pages, a stapler would be vital before filing, so that important pages aren’t lost because working on a piece of coursework for months and accidentally misplacing it the night before its due isn’t exactly ideal.


If you are rushing to write all of your notes down before the lecture slides change, mistakes can often be made and you just can’t make sense of what you’ve written. Using tip-ex will help make your notes look neater. This is vital, especially during those stressful exam seasons and would definitely be useful for those obsessed with keeping their writing neat and tidy.

If you would like to take a browse at our office supplies or see if you need anything else before starting your new course, you can take a look at our website. If you would like any assistance, please contact us today and we’d be more than happy to help!


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