While we spend so much time at work, it’s important to have a selection of items by our side that will remind us of home. Whether it’s because we’ve woke up on the wrong side of the bed, are feeling a little under the weather or because we had a very late night and are feeling unwell, these items should always be by our side, to help us get through the working day quickly and efficiently.

A Personal notebook

When in an office all day long, it can be easy to let your mind wander onto none work related things such as: remembering to buy some salad on the way home or remembering that you’ve got parents evening at 6. And obviously, you have a life outside of work and these tasks are important and need to be done. Therefore, instead of just pushing them out of your mind and forgetting about them, why not quickly write them down in… yes you guessed it, a personal notebook.

Keep it in a drawer next to your desk and use it for times when you suddenly remember all the things you need to do. Office Monster supplies a range of notebooks such as the Rhodiarama Soft Cover A5, or if you want something a little cheaper this Pukka Jotta A6 Notebook will do the trick. But check out the Office Monster notebook range for yourself, there’s lots to chose from.

A secret food Stash

Staying alert and on the ball when you’re at work is important, especially when you work in an office. You know, having a comfy warm seat, a cup of tea and the temperature turned up slightly too high… it’s a recipe for sleepy employees. Therefore, to stay awake, you need to be prepared.

We suggest, Red Bull, light snacks, and sugary sweets to get you through the day. Obviously, these snacks aren’t the healthiest of options, which is why we suggest just nibbling on them and whenever you start to feel tired, treat yourself to a sweet, or if you had a late night and you absolutely cannot keep your eyes open, crack open a Red Bull, but whatever happens, you’ll be prepared.

Your very own stationery

Obviously, there’s stationery in every office. But do you ever find that you’re always borrowing (or stealing) everybody else’s stationery? Well this just won’t do. It wastes your time and energy that you could be spending on other things. With the new year coming up, this is a fantastic excuse to buy new stationery. Check out our range, it’s full of all kinds of useful stationery which will stop you from borrowing (stealing) your colleagues.


Having comforts at work is also important, whenever work becomes a bit stressful, or you get into work one day and you’re not really… feeling it, having comforts there will definitely cheer you up. Here are 4 ideas we think will definitely comfort you in the office.

Pictures of loved ones

A personalized calendar

Personalized mug

A Personalized, engraved Parker pen

These are all fantastic Christmas present ideas, so if you know anyone who’s in need of a little motivation, how about a personalized calendar with pictures on each month that you know they’ll love.


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